Loup Uberto



Music of indecisive ways, silent writing, white pictures, noise and songs. Along with Alexis Vinéïs, Lucas Ravinale and Jean-Philippe Curtelin, Loup Uberto is also one of Begayer‘s four wise men (saints, brigands, Rosselini characters who make noise), explores the traditional melodies of northern Italy, records intriguing sound documents – Cuban “raw” music, Eastern European travel diaries, Kurdish songs from Syria -, initiates gestures for French “chanson” with Le Saule record label, questions the gaze and its fiction, the rough edges of language, documents exile and wandering through sound testimonies, writings and photographs.

‘Racconto artigiano’, the artisanal tale, is inspired by Walter Benjamin‘s Experience and Poverty, where the author comments on the drying up of popular fables; it is the compendium of numerous attempts on various materials: mobile phones, percussion, short-circuited radio transistors, computer limiters, clarinet, medieval and popular songs from northern Italy, sound collages.

Recorded in the reformed church of Mens-en-Trièves, a village at the foot of the Obiou mountain range and digging towards the eastern slope of the Vercors, this album is the outcome of some three or four years of research, the account of a series of experiments, thus itself a sort of document, a repertoire of sketches delivered as they are, completely raw and made disturbing by their dryness, just as the folk tale – which refrains from speaking – is a view offered on the horizon of silence.

Loup Uberto‘Racconto Artigiano’ is out on April 10th 2020 on  three:four records and Le Saule.

Member of SHAPE+ 2021


Loup Uberto: mobile phones, tamburelli, short-circuited radio transistors, medieval and popular songs from northern Italy, bagpipes.

With the support of the DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes ministère de la culture.




Booking : Julien Bitaudeau Promo : Varvara Papaspanopoulou




  • Manufacture

    Soleils Bleus2022
    CD / Digital
  • Racconto Artigiano

    three:four records / Le Saule2020
    LP / Digital
  • A mute with a mouth

    Le Saule2017
    K7 / Digital
  • Me siento alegre

    Le Saule2017
  • Cahier vacant

    Le Saule2017
  • Il n’y a aucun rythme et pas de nuit

    Livre / Digital

Past shows

Click on "date", "city" or "venue" to change the list display
  • DateCountryCityVenuewith 
  • 01/11/2025PortugalBarreiro (PT)Mula (orga. OUT.RA)infos event
  • 01/10/2025PortugalMontemor-o-Novo (PT)Oficinas Convento Loup Uberto & Soledad Zarkainfos event
  • 01/08/2025PortugalPorto (PT)Hotelierinfos event
  • 01/05/2025EspagneCoruña (ES)Acéfalainfos event
  • 11/30/2024ItalieMilano (IT)Legno (orga. Les Giants)infos event
  • 11/29/2024ItalieLivorno (IT)Carico Massimo infos event
  • 11/28/2024ItalieGenova (IT)Cinemino Ad Astra (orga. DisorderDrama)infos
  • 11/23/2024ItalieLecce (IT)Ogni altro Suono, KORAFrancesco Toninelli, Anna Cinzia Villaniinfos event
  • 11/06/2024ItalieCatane (IT)BaraccioLoup Uberto & Soledad Zarkainfos event
  • 09/22/2024FranceLe Mans (72)Garage 5Soledad Zarkainfos
  • 08/04/2024FranceEstagel (66)Jours de théâtre d'Estagel, Jardin de la Remiseduo avec Soledad Zarkainfos
  • 07/31/2024FranceEstagel (66)Jours de théâtre d'Estagella fanfare Saint Rogerinfos
  • 06/29/2024FranceSaint-Germain-d'Ectot (14)Le DOC, l'Oreille Perchéeinfos event
  • 05/21/2024FranceMarseille (13)Vidéodrome - Acousmodromeinfos event
  • 03/07/2024GrèceAthens (GR)Polychoros Κ.Ε.Τ. (Κέντρο Ελέγχου Τηλεοράσεων)infos event
  • 02/25/2024BelgiqueBrussels (BE)l’Aquarium (orga. l’Axoso) : 2pminfos
  • 02/23/2024BelgiqueBrussels (BE)Zonneklopper (orga. l’Axoso)Vin de Sprite, Gaml Homnimalinfos
  • 02/02/2024BelgiqueBruxelles (BE) Q-O2feat Soledad Zarka, feat Vin de Sprite, Violeta López Lópezinfos event
  • 01/18/2024FranceLille (59)La Malterie'Vin de Sprite' (Antoine Loyer et Donatien Toma Ndani Djemelas), Bramainfos event
  • 12/16/2023FranceBourg-lès-Valence (26)Médiathèque la Passerelleinfos event
  • 12/06/2023ItalieRome (IT)festival Poesia Carnosa, Angelo Mai event
  • 12/02/2023ItaliePignerol (IT)Musica in Prossimità, Teatro del Lavoroinfos event
  • 10/01/2023FranceCrest (26)Festival Micro Contactinfos event
  • 09/03/2023FranceElliant (29)SETU Festivalinfos event
  • 09/02/2023FranceElliant (29)SETU Festivalinfos event
  • 08/30/2023FranceCrozon (29)La JetéeTondeuse event
  • 08/03/2023FranceMens (38)Mens Alorsduo avec Vincent Moon's live-cinémainfos event
  • 07/22/2023DanemarkFanø (DK)Fanø Free Folk Festivalinfos event
  • 07/15/2023Pays-BasNijmegen (NL)Valkhof Festival, Valkhofkapel (orgas. Extrapool/Onderstuur)Limpe Fuchs infos event
  • 07/14/2023BelgiqueBruxelles (BE)La Fonderie - Musée bruxellois des Industries et du Travail (orga. Divagation)Cassé event
  • 07/08/2023FranceGrenoble (38)Centre d'art bastille - Concert en ouverture de l'exposition d'Hélène Bertin et Yusuf Henni infos event
  • 07/04/2023FranceLyon (69)Radio Terrasse !, Le PériscopeSaroyéinfos event
  • 06/03/2023FranceDijon (21)Au Maquis (orga. Zutique)avec invité·e·s : Soledad Zarka, Lucas Ravinaleinfos event
  • 05/27/2023FranceMarseille (13)DATASoledad Zarkainfos event
  • 05/19/2023FranceLyon (69)Nuits sonores lab, talk 'Patrimoines sonores régionaux et musiques électroniques'Deena Abdelwahed (DJ et activiste I Tunisie), Widad Mjama (Shouka I Maroc)infos event
  • 05/17/2023FranceMarseille (13)Vidéodrome, concert solo sur acousmoniuminfos event
  • 04/07/2023FranceMarseille (13)Cité de la Musique, Auditorium - 'Chambres é-laboratoires'& Étienne Foyerinfos event
  • 03/21/2023ItalieMilano (IT)C3 + Fondo Luogo (orga. Les Giants)infos event
  • 03/16/2023ItalieFaenza (IT)Clan Destinoinfos event
  • 03/15/2023ItalieBologna (IT) AngelicA Centro di Ricerca Musicale, Teatro San LeonardoCristina Vetrone (solo), Cristina Vetrone & Loup Uberto (duo)infos event
  • 03/11/2023ItalieNapoli (IT)via Ventaglieri, 76A (orgas. Viande Records & Les Giants)Giovanna Turco and Two Little Devils event
  • 03/07/2023ItalieSyracuse (IT)Zaratan event
  • 02/09/2023TunisieTunis (TN)Ambassade de Suisse en Tunisie, « Post documenta15 » de la Plateforme Siwa 'Economat' : Loup Uberto, Tahar Ezzedini, Alia Dhahri et Haythem Ben Bousaha event
  • 01/20/2023FranceBordeaux (33)Trente Trente, Marché de Lermeinfos event
  • 12/08/2022SuisseLa-Chaux-de-Fonds (CH)Centre de Culture ABCTahar Ezzedini & Saad Tabbabi, Lucas Ravinale & Loup Ubertoinfos event
  • 12/06/2022FranceGrenoble (38) Café Saint BrunoTahar Ezzedini & Saad Tabbabi
  • 11/03/2022FranceParis (75)Le Consulat (orga. Souffle Collectif)infos event
  • 10/02/2022AllemagneBonn (DE)Bundeskunsthalle (installation + performance)infos event
  • 10/01/2022AllemagneBonn (DE)Bundeskunsthalle (installation + performance)infos event
  • 09/30/2022AllemagneBonn (DE)Bundeskunsthalle (installation + performance)infos event
  • 09/19/2022Suisse La Chaux-de-Fonds (CH)La Société de consommation event
  • 07/15/2022SuisseSt-Saphorin (CH)Jolie Vue Festival, Église de Saint-Saphorininfos event
  • 07/09/2022AllemagneCassel (DE)Documenta fifteen, Fridericianuminfos event
  • 06/30/2022AllemagneBerlin (DE)Arkaoda, 'Sound Sculptures' (co-orga. Morphine Records)Rabih Beaini (DJ Set), RN/MA (Nicola Ratti and MA)infos event
  • 06/28/2022PlogneKraków (PL)Betel Klub event
  • 06/26/2022République TchèquePrague (CZ)New Libeň synagogue (promoter Punctum)Aldana Duoraaninfos event
  • 06/24/2022AllemagneDresden (DE) Blaue FabrikWood & Brassinfos
  • 06/23/2022AllemagneHalle (DE)Galle (am Galgenberg 2)
  • 03/16/2022FranceMarseille (13)Vidéodrome2 (concert sur acousmonium) (ANNULÉ)infos event
  • 03/15/2022FranceMarseille (13)DATAinfos event
  • 11/24/2021ItalieRome (IT)Fanfulla 5/a - Circolo Arciinfos event
  • 11/13/2021ItalieBologne (IT) Maison Ventidue (orga. N U A L)infos event
  • 11/12/2021ItalieMilano (IT)Circolo IAM (orga. Les Giants)Everest Magmainfos event
  • 10/15/2021FranceMarseille (13)Concert En Ap(p)arté (orga. Piano and Co), Tiers Lab des Transitions infos event
  • 10/06/2021HongrieBudapest (HU)UH Fest, Institut français de BudapestValentina Magaletti, Terrine, Bartha Márkinfos event
  • 10/04/2021AutricheVienna (AT)Rhizinfos event
  • 10/02/2021AllemagneMunich (DE)Open Festival, Import Export Hochzeitskapelle, HFBKinfos event
  • 10/01/2021FranceZurich (CH)DIE DIELE event
  • 09/26/2021FranceAlbi (81)festival riverrun, Workshop Fabrique d'instruments aberrants - MJC Albi (orga. GMEA) - Centre National de Création Musicale Albi-Tarninfos event
  • 09/25/2021FranceAlbi (81)festival riverrun, Workshop Fabrique d'instruments aberrants - MJC Albi (orga. GMEA) - Centre National de Création Musicale Albi-Tarninfos event
  • 09/19/2021SuisseGenève (CH)Festival Baz'ArtTachycardieinfos event
  • 09/18/2021France Paris (75)Festival Vaille que Vaille, le Café de Paris (ANNULÉ)Raymonde, Bear Bones, Lay Low, Officium & Tziiinfos event
  • 09/18/2021FranceBordeaux (33)CAPC, Journées Européennes du Patrimoine, déambulation sonore en écho à 'Deux Soeurs' de Chiarra Camoniinfos event
  • 06/26/2021FranceToulouse (31)Festival Les Siestes électroniques, Jardin Compans Caffarelli, diffusion d'une pièce sonore par Loup Ubertoinfos event
  • 06/12/2021FranceGrenoble (38)Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de l’Isère, atelier et concert / installationinfos event
  • 04/11/2021FranceAlbi (81)Workshop Fabrique d'instruments aberrants - MJC Albi via GMEA - Centre National de Création Musicale Albi-Tarn (ANNULÉ)infos event
  • 04/10/2021FranceAlbi (81)Workshop Fabrique d'instruments aberrants - MJC Albi via GMEA - Centre National de Création Musicale Albi-Tarn (ANNULÉ)infos event
  • 03/27/2021FranceBerlin (DE)création d'une pièce sonore pour le MaerzMusik, Timepiece - A Live Speaking Clock - onlineKMRU, CS + Kreme, Félicia Atkinson, Jessica Ekomane etc.infos event
  • 10/21/2020FranceBesançon (25)Festival Sonore Modulations, Le Petit KursaalBégayerinfos event
  • 10/17/2020FranceGrenoble (38)La BobineMatt Elliottinfos event
  • 10/02/2020SuisseLausanne (CH)Galerie Standard/Deluxe, Association du Salopard Seijiro Murayama & Florian Tositti, Raymondeinfos event
  • 10/01/2020FranceChalon-sur-Saône (71)La MéandreKristallroll, Raymondeinfos
  • 09/30/2020FranceMontreuil (93)Théâtre Thénardier, par Les Instants ChavirésKristallroll, Raymondeinfos event
  • 09/29/2020FranceMontrelais (44)La Cave : Les Chants Jumeaux event
  • 09/15/2020AllemagneBamberg (DE)Festival FK:K IV, Kunstraum KesselhausVlora of Independence & Dan Shuttinfos event
  • 09/13/2020AllemagneNuremberg (DE)Festival FK:K IV, Kulturbüro Muggenhof - Kulturwerkstatt Auf AEGLambert, Vlora of Independence & Dan Shuttinfos event
  • 09/11/2020FranceDangolsheim (67)Église de Dangolsheim event
  • 08/27/2020FranceMulhouse (68)Festival Météo, Parc Salvatorinfos event
  • 08/26/2020FranceMulhouse (68)Festival Météo, Place de la Réunion infos event
  • 04/08/2020SuisseLausanne (CH)Standard/Deluxe (ANNULÉ)infos
  • 04/07/2020FranceMontreuil (93)Les Instants Chavirés (ANNULÉ)Greg Malcolm, Kristallrollinfos event
  • 04/05/2020FranceSavennières (49)Le Chenin Savennieres (ANNULÉ)Perrine Bourel & Mosin Kawa event




Music of indecisive ways, silent writing, white pictures, noise and songs. Along with Alexis Vinéïs, Lucas Ravinale and Jean-Philippe Curtelin, Loup Uberto is also one of Begayer‘s four wise men (saints, brigands, Rosselini characters who make noise), explores the traditional melodies of northern Italy, records intriguing sound documents – Cuban “raw” music, Eastern European travel diaries, Kurdish songs from Syria -, initiates gestures for French “chanson” with Le Saule record label, questions the gaze and its fiction, the rough edges of language, documents exile and wandering through sound testimonies, writings and photographs.

‘Racconto artigiano’, the artisanal tale, is inspired by Walter Benjamin‘s Experience and Poverty, where the author comments on the drying up of popular fables; it is the compendium of numerous attempts on various materials: mobile phones, percussion, short-circuited radio transistors, computer limiters, clarinet, medieval and popular songs from northern Italy, sound collages.

Recorded in the reformed church of Mens-en-Trièves, a village at the foot of the Obiou mountain range and digging towards the eastern slope of the Vercors, this album is the outcome of some three or four years of research, the account of a series of experiments, thus itself a sort of document, a repertoire of sketches delivered as they are, completely raw and made disturbing by their dryness, just as the folk tale – which refrains from speaking – is a view offered on the horizon of silence.

Loup Uberto‘Racconto Artigiano’ is out on April 10th 2020 on  three:four records and Le Saule.

Member of SHAPE+ 2021


Loup Uberto: mobile phones, tamburelli, short-circuited radio transistors, medieval and popular songs from northern Italy, bagpipes.

With the support of the DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes ministère de la culture.




  • Manufacture

    Soleils Bleus2022
    CD / Digital
  • Racconto Artigiano

    three:four records / Le Saule2020
    LP / Digital
  • A mute with a mouth

    Le Saule2017
    K7 / Digital
  • Me siento alegre

    Le Saule2017
  • Cahier vacant

    Le Saule2017
  • Il n’y a aucun rythme et pas de nuit

    Livre / Digital


